Thursday, March 20, 2008

The End of Coug

Yeterday was one of the worst days of Tiannas Life (in her 5 yr old life that is). She has officially lost coug for good. She had a dentist apt yesterday and I let her take him to comfort her and well it started from there, we went to several places afterward and turns out I completely forgot about coug and if she even had him in any of the places we went. After calling and calling all the places and going to each of them personally and walking around and looking under places, No Coug and lots of tears! We gave our phone number and explained to each store clerk how deeply important this coug is to our 5 yr old, so hey maybe it will turn up some day. It always had come back to her before after being run over and left in the mud and rain, Left in the bottom of the pillow bin at the Ikea, left in the Macy's store in the kithen department, and OMG so many other places. But yet he seems to find his way home to his best friend. Last night Tianna was wishing upon a star for her coug to come home and I happen to get it on video tape when she didnt know I was there. She and daddy even made up a song about coug and how great he was. (That will come soon and it will be famous) LOL. We thought we would share a few pictures of dear ole coug.


Valerie: said...

hey i finally got your blog site to work on my page and it is fine now. I must have typed something in wrong. Yeah i wasn't going to tell anyone for a little but but i am not so good at keeping secrets. Dont worry i have not known myself for over a week yet. You are not the last to know either!

Crystal said...

so i know ALL ABOUT the attachment to cuddle objects. brooklyn (my 3 yr old) is crazy attached to her pink blanket - a.k.a "stinky pink" - and it too has been lost a number of times (but always finds it's way back home). i think it makes me sadder than it makes her when it's gone because it reminds me so much of her. i think i've grown a little attached to that silly thing myself. i hope that you guys get coug back soon!

Cari Payne said...

Adorable...So Sad that we all have to grow up! I wish I still had a cuddly friend to sleep with! Love the picture! Cari

Unknown said...

That is so sad!!! I'm so sorry for her that she lost Coug, and of course no animal will ever replace him I remember when I lost my hippo in a movie theater and it was awful... anyway tell her Audey is here for her and loves her!! call me sometime