I could not ask for a better mom, friend, and confidant' =) She inspires me in ways you wouldnt believe, I have had the joy to share in long awesome conversations, and insites about goals, religion, politics and most of all anything personal going on in my life at the time. She is the best listener and shoulder if I ever needed one, or If I just want to hang out and lay on her couch with a cup of coffee in my hand and chat till our hearts are content! My parents lived in Minnesota for almost 9 years and I cannot tell you how great is to have her back close to me. while she was across the country,we still talked 5 times a day and webcammed on the computer every week just so we can share whats going on in our lives at the moment and sometimes even have coffee over webcam as if we were in the same room! My kidos love having Grammi around and being able to just hang with her as I do! She loves to dance, create, be with her family and most of all be there for all of us! I couldnt ask for a better mom. Thank you for being my inspiration and that strong role model I needed in my life!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Mother so dear.............
I could not ask for a better mom, friend, and confidant' =) She inspires me in ways you wouldnt believe, I have had the joy to share in long awesome conversations, and insites about goals, religion, politics and most of all anything personal going on in my life at the time. She is the best listener and shoulder if I ever needed one, or If I just want to hang out and lay on her couch with a cup of coffee in my hand and chat till our hearts are content! My parents lived in Minnesota for almost 9 years and I cannot tell you how great is to have her back close to me. while she was across the country,we still talked 5 times a day and webcammed on the computer every week just so we can share whats going on in our lives at the moment and sometimes even have coffee over webcam as if we were in the same room! My kidos love having Grammi around and being able to just hang with her as I do! She loves to dance, create, be with her family and most of all be there for all of us! I couldnt ask for a better mom. Thank you for being my inspiration and that strong role model I needed in my life!
Posted by The Huss Family 0 comments
Sooooo I know I havent blogged in a bit, life has been so crazy busy around here, my wedding and portrait season has begun, Last weekend alone, I had 7 shoots in 2 days and I was pooped. ahhhhhhhhh But I love it and will keep doing it until my little heart desires! HA! So last Friday I had a purse party thrown at my house and can I say........... "Could you put a kid in a candy store and not expect them to go a bit crazy?" Yes thats right for those who know me, My bags and shoes are my other babies and "needed" some more for our cruise coming up THIS WEEK!!!!! We are so excited to be leaving for our cruise and might I ad first real vacation ever together without the kidos! We will be sipping Mai Tais and laying by the pool most of our time Im sure and I couldnt ask for any other way to spend it! And YES we get to sleep in!!!! Yeah! But I haveto admit, I will miss my babies (not the purse babies, the actual babies, HA!) like theres no tomorrow! We have never left them for more the a day or two so this will be a challenge and I just want to wish Grandma good luck!!! =) HEre are some pics from my purse party and our night out afterwards for my great friends T's birthday at Solo. Ta Ta for now! Misty, Gretch and I at Solo
Me and My Baby Cakes!
Arrin dancing with Misty and I
I love Casey's face in this one!!! LOL
And so tired from all the shakin and boogyin........... Nick and Misty (with her new bag)
Posted by The Huss Family 1 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tiannas birthday bash!
Tianna has officially turned five and Im a bit behind on my posts, because her birthday party was on March 31st! HA! Anyways We had decorated our whole downstairs into a fairy land and with twinkly lights and flowers and vines draped across the ceiling. Casey even had the sound effects going for a fairy forest, it was halarious! Tiannas party guests went on a fairy treasure find to fid the goody bags that the Wizard "Casey" had stolen and hidden. It was quit the little show, Casey dressed up for the part and everything and might I ad how creative he got with the ole costume (my graduation robe thing and Tianna's witch hat. All in all a great day for miss Tianna Chye!
Posted by The Huss Family 5 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Grandma and her Grandbabies!
We had a great visit this last weekend, And thought we would try and get them all to get some shots together. I just cannot believe how grown they are all looking, and its so funny because everyone of them look so different from eachother and all of them so beautiful (oh and handsome)!
Posted by The Huss Family 1 comments